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Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No. 54 of 1972) |
2. Prohibition of sale, manufacture or importation of certain articles
3. Sale of mixed, compounded or blended foodstuff
4. Use or employment of prohibited process, method, appliance, container or object
5. False description of articles
8. Liability of employer or principal
9. Liability of importer, manufacturer or packer
11. Powers, duties and functions of inspectors
13. Further analysis or examination of sample
14. Examination, control and disposal of certain imported articles
15A. Regulations relating to mollusc farming and fish farming
21. Time limits and other requirements in connection with prosecution
22. Proof of facts, and presumptions
23. Administration of Act by authorized local authority
25. Delegation of powers by Director-General
26. Defect in form not to invalidate
28. Application of Act to articles imported in transit
30. Short title and commencement