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Plant Improvement Act, 1976 (Act No. 53 of 1976) |
6. Prohibition of conducting of business on unregistered premises
7. Registration of premises in respect of business
10. Exemption from registration
11. Termination of registration
12. Display, lapsing and return of certificate or registration
13. Requirements relating to sale of plants and propagating material
14. Savings regarding certain propagating material
16. Application for recognition of variety
17. Requirements for recognition of variety
18. Consideration and examination of applications
21. Alterations in and deletions from varietal list
23. Establishment of certification schemes
24A. Inspection for quality control
25. Power to enter premises, carry out inspections, take samples and seize certain articles
26. Importation of plants and propagating material
27. Export of plants and propagating material
27A. Distribution of plants or propagating material
28. Certain provisions to apply in respect of State
29. Discretionary power of registrar
30. Preservation, inspection and proof of documents
32. Appeal against decision or action of registrar
33. Publication or distribution of false or misleading advertisments
37. Liability of employer or principal
39. Assignment of powers and duties by Minister
43. Short title and date of commencement