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Agricultural Produce Agents Act 1992 (Act No. 12 of 1992)
Notice No. 781 of 1992
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of Agricultural Produce Agents Council
3. Constitution of council
4. Vacating of office by members of council
5. Chairperson of council
6. Meetings and decisions of council
7. Committees of council
8. Registrar and deputy registrar
9. Objects of council
10. Functions of council
11. Funds of council
12. Establishment and control of fidelity fund
13. Payments out of fund
14. Claims against fund and actions against council
15. [Repealed] Insurance contracts
16. Prohibition on acting as agent under certain circumstances
17. Security by agents
18. Account
19. Trust accounts
20. Payment from trust account
21. Disposal of unclaimed moneys
22. Rules
23. Improper conduct
24. Inspection and investigation
25. Disciplinary tribunal
26. Disciplinary powers of council
27. Entry and inspections
28. Preservation of secrecy
29. Offences and penalties
30. Deficit in trust account
31. Presumptions and evidence
32. [Repealed] Vicarious liability
33. Defects in form
34. Restriction of liability
35. Repeal of laws
35A. Transitional provisions
36. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1
Part A: Agricultural Products for the Purposes ...
Part B: Agricultural Products for the Purposes ...
Part C: Definitions of or Relating to Agricultural ...
Schedule 2 : Laws Repealed (Section 36)
Board Notices
Biosecurity Rules for Livestock Agents
Board Notice 135 of 2020
1. Background and Definitions
2. Objectives
3. Record Keeping and Auditing
4. Animal Identification
5. Biosecurity Measures at the Auction Facility
6. Biosecurity Measures at Farm of Origin before movement to an Auction
7. Administrative Checkpoint
8. Action required at the Arrival Area (Dirty Area)
9. Biosecure Areas (Clean)
10. Official Reporting Procedures of Suspect Animals
Addendum A : Health Declaration for Animals going on Auction
Rules in respect of Export Agents, 2017
Board Notice 62 of 2018
Part I : Definitions and Application of Rules
Part II : Code of Conduct for Export Agents and Employees
Part III : Complaints
Part IV : Registration
Part V : Receipt and sale of fresh produce
Part VI : Control and administration of accounts
Part VII : Miscellaneous Provisions
Annexure A : Notice with regard to a cheque bank account
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