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Table of Contents
Communal Land Rights Act, 2004 (Act No.11 of 2004)
Notice No. 861 of 2004
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
Chapter 2 : Juristic Personality and Legal Security of Tenure
3. Juristic personality of community
4. Security of tenure
Chapter 3 : Transfer and Registration of Communal Land
5. Registration of communal land and new order rights
6. Transfer of communal land
7. Functions of conveyancer
8. Registration of subsequent transactions
9. Conversion of registered new order right into freehold ownership
10. Transfer costs and stamp duties
11. Surveying and registration costs
Chapter 4 : Provision of comparable redress where tenure cannot be legally secured
12. Award of comparable redress
13. Cancellation of old order right
Chapter 5 : The conduct of land rights enquiry
14. Land rights enquiry
15. Designation or appointment of land rights enquirer
16. Notice of land rights enquiry
17. Powers and duties of land rights enquirer
18. Determination by Minister
Chapter 6 : Content, Making and Registration of Community Rules
19. Content, making and registration of community rules
20. Amendment of community rules
Chapter 7 : Land Administration Committee
21. Establishment of land administration committee
22. Composition
23. Term of office
24. Powers and duties
Chapter 8 : Land Rights Board
25. Establishment of Land Rights Board
26. Composition
27. Disqualification as Board member
28. Powers and duties of Board
29. Resources of Board
30. Service conditions of Board members
Chapter 9 : Kwazulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Land
31. Laws governing KwaZulu-Natal Ingonyama Trust Land
32. Ingonyama Land Rights Board for KwaZulu-Natal
33. Reconstitution of KwaZulu-Natal Land Rights Board
34. Powers and duties in relation to Ingonyama land
35. Inconsistency in laws
Chapter 10 : General Provisions
36. Provision of assistance to community
37. Provision of municipal services and development infrastructure on communal land
38. Acquisition of land by Minister
39. Application of Act to other land-reform beneficiaries
40. Extension of access to courts
41. Offences
42. Penalties
43. Delegation of powers
44. Regulations
45. Act binds State
46. Amendment and repeal of laws
47. Short title and commencement
Amendment or repeal of laws
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