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Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000 (Act No. 38 of 2000)
Notice No. 38 of 2000
Chapter One : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter Two : Construction Industry Development Board
2. Establishment of Board
3. Independence of Board
4. Objects of Board
5. Powers, functions and duties of Board
6. Composition of Board
7. Period and conditions of membership
8. Remuneration of members
9. Disclosure of interest
10. Chief executive officer
11. Staff of Board
12. Meetings
13. Stakeholder consultation
14. Evaluation and review
15. Delegation of power
Chapter Three : Register of Contractors
16. Registration of contractors
17. Keeping of register
18. Unregistered contractors
19. Removal of names from and restoration thereof to register
20. Duration and renewal of registration
21. Best practice contractor recognition scheme
Chapter Four : Register of Projects
22. Register of projects
23. Best practice project assessment scheme
Chapter Five : Financial Management
24. Funding of Board
25. Loans
26. Accounting
27. Financial year of Board
Chapter Six : General
28. Restriction on use of name
29. Enforcement
30. Secrecy
31. Personal liability
32. Consultation
33. Regulations
34. Short title and commencement
Board Notices
Code of Conduct for the parties engaged in Construction Procurement
Board Notice 127 of 2003
1. Parties involved in Construction Procurement
2. Principles Governing the Conduct of Parties
3. Acceptable Conduct
4. Enforcement of the Code of Conduct
Construction Procurement Best Practice
Board Notice 63 of 2004
1. Preamble
2. Uniformity, Ethics and Efficacy in Procurement Methods, Procedures and Processes
3. Uniformity and Efficacy of Procurement Documentation
4. Contracting Strategies
5. Dispute Resolution
6. Subcontracting Arrangements
7. Joint Venture Arrangements
Construction Procurement Best Practice Library
Revised Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement
Board Notice 9 of 2008
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
4. Requirements
Annex A : Best practice guidelines
Annex B : Standard Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender
Annex C : Form of offer and acceptance
Annex D : Sample preferencing schedule
Annex E : Sample preferencing schedule
Annex F : Standard Conditions of Tender
Annex G : Alpha-numerics associated with the Contractor Grading Designations
Annex H : Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of lnterest
Annex I : Selection of subcontractors by employers and contractors
Annex J : Standard Notice and Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest
Annex K : Record of Addenda to Tender Documents
Annex L : Compulsory Enterprise questionnaire
Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement
Board Notice 86 of 2010
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
4. Requirements
Annex A (informative) : Best practice guidelines
Annex B (normative) : Standard Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender
Annex C (normative) : Form of offer and acceptance
Annex D (normative) : Sample preferencing schedule where direct preferences
Annex E (normative) : Sample preferencing schedule where preferences
Annex F (normative) : Standard Conditions of Tender
Annex G (normative) : Alpha-numerics associated with the Contractor
Annex H (normative) : Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest
Annex I (normative) : Selection of subcontractors by employers and contractors
Annex J (normative) : Standard Notice and Invitation to submit an Expression of Interes
Annex K (normative) : Record of Addenda to Tender Documents
Annex L (normative) : Compulsory Enterprise questionnaire
Best Practice: Green Building Certification
Board Notice 66 of 2011
Register of Projects Established in terms of the Construction Industry Development Board Act, 2000
Board Notice 75 of 2011
Standard for Uniformity in Construction Procurement : July 2015
Board Notice 187 of 2015
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
4. Requirements
Annex A (informative) : Best practice guidelines
Annex B (normative) : Standard Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender
Annex C (normative) : Form of offer and acceptance
Annex D (normative) : Sample preferencing schedule where direct preferences
Annex E (normative) : Sample preferencing schedule where preferences
Annex F (normative) : Standard Conditions of Tender
Annex G (normative) : Alpha-numerics associated with the Contractor
Annex H (normative) : Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest
Annex I (normative) : Selection of subcontractors by employers and contractors
Annex J (normative) : Standard Notice and Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest
Annex K (normative) : Record of Addenda to Tender Documents
Annex L (normative) : Compulsory Enterprise questionnaire
Standard for Uniformity in Engineering and Construction Works Contracts : August 2019
Board Notice 423 of 2019
1. Scope
2. Normative references
3. Definitions
4. Requirements
4.1 General
4.2 Solicitation of tender offers
4.3 Evaluation of tenders on functionality
4.4 Procurement documents
4.5 Applying the cidb register of contractors to public contracts
Annex A : Standard Tender Notice and Invitation to Tender
Annex B : Form of Offer and Acceptance
Annex C : Standard Conditions of Tender
Annex D : Standard Conditions for the calling for Expressions of Interest
Annex E : Standard Notice and Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest
Annex F : Record of Addenda to Tender Documents
Annex G : Compulsory Enterprise Questionnaire
Determination of Criteria for the Nomination of Members to the Construction Industry Development Board
Notice No. 4641 of 2000
Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme: Competence Standard for Contractors
Notice No. 1237 of 2017
1. Scope
2. Terms and Definitions
3. General
4. Competence Standards
Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme: Standard for Contract Participation Goals for Targeting Enterprises and Labour through Construction Works Contracts
Notice No. 1239 of 2017
1. Scope
2. Normative References
3. Terms and Definitions
4. General
5. Training and Development
6. Community Engagement and Dispute Resolution
7. Community Liaison Officers
8. Selection and Recruitment of Targeted Labour
9. Records
10. Granting of Credits
11. Denial of Credits
12. Sanctions
Appendix A : Guidelines for Undertaking a Feasibility Study for Specifying CPGs
Appendix B : Guidelines for Community Engagement
Appendix C : Model Memorandum of Understanding
Appendix D: Community Liaison Officer (CLO) 12
Appendix E : Guidelines for the Selection and Recruitment of Targeted Labour 14
Best Practice Project Assessment Scheme: Standard for Minimum Requirements for Engaging Contractors and Sub-Contractors on Construction Works Contracts
Notice 688 of 2018
1. Scope
2. Terms and Definitions
3. Requirements
4. Records
5. Sanctions
Standard for Developing Skills through Infrastructure Contracts, July 2020
Notice No. 363 of 2020
1. Scope
2. Terms and Definitions
3. Requirements
4. Compliance with Requirements
5. Records
6. Sanctions
Annex A: Incorporating this Standard in a Procurement Document (Informative)
Annex B: Role and Function of Skills Development Agency (Informative)
Construction Industry Development Regulations, 2004
Notice No. 692 of 2004
Part I : Interpretation
1. Definitions
2. Value
2A. Financial Statements
Part II : Register of Contractors
3. Particulars to be contained in register of contractors
4. Exemption
5. Targeted development programmes
6. Categories of registration
7. Application for registration as contractor in contractor grading designations 2 to 9
7A. Application for and registration in contractor grading designation 1
8. Application for amendment of category status
9. Renewal of registration
10. Procedure in relation to registration of contractor in contractor grading designation 2
11. Manner of determination of contractor grading designation
12. Requirements in relation to contractor grading designation
13. Board to identify potential emerging enterprise status
14. [Deleted] Requirements for a contractor who is a newly constituted enterprise
15. [Deleted] Recognition of registration as homebuilder
16. Foreign enterprise
17. Tender value range contractor considered capable of undertaking
Part III : Register of Projects
18. Registration of projects
19. Exemption
20. Representative of employer
21. Reporting
22. Best practice project assessment scheme
Part IV : Invitation, Award and Management of Construction Works Contracts
23. Application
24. Preparation for construction procurement
25. Invitation of tender or expression of interest for construction works contracts
26. Restriction or prohibition
Part V : Legal Procedure and Evidence
27. Suspension and deregistration
27A. Application of code of conduct
28. Preliminary investigation of complaint or suspicion
29. Formal enquiry
30. Offences
31. Copies of notices to be retained and presumptions
32. Copies of entry into registers to be evidence
32A. Application of Electronic Communications and Transaction Act, 2002
32B. Criminal proceedings do not bar formal inquiry
32C. Electronic signature
32D. Serving of notice or subpoena
32E. Employer or principal liable
33. Cognizance may be taken of information contained in register or record
34. Access to information
Part VI : General
35. Determinations in relation to fees
36. Change of particulars
37. Approved forms
38. Transitional measures
39. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 [Deleted]
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
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