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Table of Contents
Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Act, 2008 (Act No. 51 of 2008)
Notice No. 1402 of 2008
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
3. Application of Act
4. Choice in respect of intellectual property
5. Management obligations and disclosure duties
6. Establishment of office of technology transfer at institutions
7. Functions of office of technology transfer
8. Establishment of National lntellectual Property Management Office
9. Functions of NIPMO
10. Rights of intellectual property creators in institutions to benefit-sharing
11. Conditions for intellectual property transactions
12. Restrictions on offshore intellectual property transactions
13. Intellectual Property Fund
14. Acquisition of intellectual property rights by State
15. Co-operation between private entities or organisations and institutions
16. Confidentiality
17. Regulations
18. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1
Commencement of the Act
Proclamation No. 34 of 2010
Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly Financed Research and Development Regulations, 2009
Notice No. R. 675 of 2010
1. Definitions and Interpretation
2. Choice in respect of intellectual property
3. Management obligations and disclosure duties
4. The National Intellectual Property Management Office (NIPMO)
5. Operations of NIPMO
6. Advisory Board
7. Dispute Panel
8. Remuneration of members of the Advisory Board
9. Rights of intellectual property creators in institutions
10. Non-commercial licences
11. Conditions for local intellectual property transactions
12. Conditions for offshore intellectual property transactions
13. Intellectual Property Fund
14. Rights of the State to intellectual property and non-commercialisation
15. Co-operation between private entities
16. Determination of full cost
17. Effect of non-compliance by a recipient
18. Prescribed Forms
19. Short title and commencement
Schedule 2
Prescribed Forms
Form IP1 : Referral of Intellectual Property and Release Form
Form IP2 : Notice of intention to be heard by NIPMO
Form IP3 : Dispute Panel Notice of Appeal / Review of NIPMO Decision
Form IP4 : Local Assignment of Intellectual Property (IP)
Form IP5 : Off-Shore Assignment of Intellectual Property
Form IP6 : Off-Shore Exclusive Licence of Intellectual Property
Form IP7 : Intellectual Property Status and Commercialisation Report
Form IP8 : Referral of Intellectual Property
Form IP9 : Formulae and Matrix for Full Cost Calculation
NIPMO Dispute Panel Rules of Procedure
Notice No. 1563 of 2016
Part A : Application of Rules and Definitions
1. Definitions
2. Application of Rules
Part B : Administrative Decisions of NIPMO
3. Type of administrative decisions of NIPMO
Part C : NIPMO Dispute Panel Procedures
4. Referral of a Dispute to the Dispute Panel
5. Process before the Dispute Hearing
6. The Dispute Hearing
7. Non-attendance by one of the parties at the hearing
8. NIPMO Dispute Panel decisions and handling of information
Part D : General
9. Condonation
10. Circumstances under which duration of Dispute Panel proceedings may be varied
11. Type of information to be submitted with or in response to FORM IP3
12. Short title and commencement
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