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Table of Contents
Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005)
Notice No. 825 of 2005
Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Application and Object of Act
1. Interpretation
2. Application of Act
3. Conflicts with other legislation
4. Object of Act
5. Promoting object of Act
Chapter 2 : Intergovernmental Structures
Part 1 : President's Co-ordinating Council
6. Composition
7. Role
8. Meetings
Part 2 : National intergovernmental forums
9. Establishment
10. Composition
11. Role
12. Reports and referrals to President's Co-ordinating Council
13. Referrals to Budget Council and Budget Forum
14. Meetings
15. Joint meetings
Part 3 : Provincial intergovernmental forums
16. Establishment of Premier's intergovernmental forum
17. Composition of Premier's intergovernmental forum
18. Role of Premier's intergovernmental forum
19. Meetings of Premier's intergovernmental forum
20. Reports to President's Co-ordinating Council
21. Other provincial intergovernmental forums
22. Interprovincial forums
23. Role of interprovincial forums
Part 4 : Municipal intergovernmental forums
24. Establishment of district intergovernmental forums
25. Composition of district intergovernmental forums
26. Role of district intergovernmental forums
27. Meetings of district intergovernmental forums
28. Intermunicipality forums
29. Role of intermunicipality forums
Part 5 : General
30. Intergovernmental technical support structures
31. Consultation with organised local government
32. Status of intergovernmental structures
33. Internal procedures of intergovernmental structures
34. Standard draft internal rules
Chapter 3 : Conduct of Intergovernmental Relations
35. Implementation protocols
36. Provincial policies and legislation affecting local government
37. Responsibility for co-ordinating intergovernmental relations of provinces
38. Responsibility for co-ordinating intergovernmental relations of district municipalities
Chapter 4 : Settlement of Intergovernmental Disputes
39. Application of Chapter
40. Duty to avoid intergovernmental disputes
41. Declaring disputes as formal intergovernmental disputes
42. Consequences of declaring formal intergovernmental disputes
43. Role of facilitator
44. Assistance by Minister or MEC for local government
45. Judicial proceedings
Chapter 5 : Miscellaneous
46. Reports to Parliament
47. Regulations and guidelines
48. Short title
Regulations Framing the Institutionalisation of the District Development Model, 2024
Notice No. 2486 of 2024
Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Purpose of Regulations
1. Definitions
2. Purpose
Chapter 2 : District Development Model
3. Framework and joint planning of DDM
4. Implementation of One Plans by three spheres of government
Chapter 3 : Institutional Arrangements for Implementation of DDM
5. Role of President and Minister
6. Role of DCoG and DPME
7. Role of Premiers and MECs
8. Role of provincial departments, Head of Departments, Mayors and Municipal Managers
9. Role of Director-General
Chapter 4 : Development and Implementation of One Plans
10. Context of One Plans
11. Preparation, approval and adoption of One Plans
12. Implementation and monitoring of One Plans
Chapter 5 : General
13. Objections and dispute resolution
14. Short title and commencement
Implementation Protocol Guidelines and Guidelines for Managing Joint Programmes
Notice No. 696 of 2007
1. Introduction
2. Purpose of the Guide
3. Definition and Purpose
4. Commonly Included Clauses in a Protocol
5. Conclusion
Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Purpose and Application of these Guidelines
1. Interpretation
2. Purpose of these Guidelines
3. Application of these Guidelines
Chapter 2 : Management of Joint Programmes
Part 1 : Scoping studies and reports
4. Scoping studies when joint programmes are initiated
5. Scoping reports
6. Department responsible for scoping study and report
Part 2 : Joint programme manager and joint programme steering committee
7. Appointment of joint programme manager
8. Establishment and composition of joint programme steering committee
9. Functions of Joint Steering Committee
10. Submission of progress reports
11. Rules for internal procedures
Part 3 : Joint Panel of Executive Authorities
12. Establishment of Joint Panel of Executive Authorities
13. Meetings of Joint Panel
Part 4 : Other matters
14. Partnering protocols
15. Joint programmes to be included in strategic and other plans
16. Budgeting for joint programmes
Annexure A : Implementation Protocol Template
Annexure B : Example Workplan
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