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Legal Aid South Africa Act, 2014 (Act No. 39 of 2014)
Notice No. 1013 of 2014
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Legal Aid South Africa
2. Establishment of Legal Aid South Africa and its relationship with Board
3. Objects of Legal Aid South Africa
4. Powers, functions and duties of Board
5. Independence and impartiality of Legal Aid South Africa
6. Composition and appointment of Board
7. Qualification for membership of Board
8. Chairperson and deputy chairperson
9. Term of appointment
10. Termination of membership of Board
11. Meetings of Board
12. Quorum and procedure
13. Committees of Board
14. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties or functions of Board
Chapter 3 : Performance of Administrative Work of Legal Aid South Africa
15. Appointment of chief executive officer
16. Functions of chief executive officer
Chapter 4 : Support Structure of Legal Aid South Africa
17. Employees and agents of Legal Aid South Africa
18. Terms and conditions of employment of employees
19. Protection of client privilege in certain circumstances
20. Recovery of costs by Legal Aid South Africa
21. Finances of Legal Aid South Africa
Chapter 5 : General Provisions
22. Provision of legal aid by direction of courts in criminal matters
23. Regulations
24. Legal Aid Manual
25. Amendment or repeal of laws
26. Transitional arrangements
27. Short title and commencement
Laws Amended or Repealed
Notice No. R. 745 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. General policy
3. Criminal matters
4. Witnesses
5. Extradition
6. Criminal appeals
7. Bail applications
8. Court order
9. Civil matters
10. Civil cases for protection of constitutional rights
11. Limitation and exclusion of civil legal aid
12. Civil appeals
13. Maintenance, domestic violence and harassment cases
14. Labour cases
15. Divorce and family law cases
16. Legal aid for specialist or expert advice
17. Land rights
18. Cases relating to the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996, the Extension of Security Tenure Act, 1997 and Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act, 1988
19. Asylum seekers
20. Hague Convention cases
21. Equality Court cases
22. Civil matters involving children
23. Other legislation requiring legal representation for children
24. Types of Children's Act matters where legal representation can be ordered in terms of section 55 of the Children's Act
25. Matters relating to the Mental Health Care Act, 2002
26. Commissions of Inquiry
27. Qualifying for legal aid and means test
28. Amounts included or excluded for legal aid qualification
29. No right to choose legal practitioner
30. Exceeding the means test and discretion
31. Partially subsidized legal aid
32. Contributions by legal aid recipient
33. Termination of legal aid
34. Refusal of legal aid
35. Impact legal services
36. Medical, travelling and witness costs
37. Receipt of monies after legal aid instruction
38. Payment of financial benefit to Legal Aid South Africa
39. Transitional provision
40. Commencement
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