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Table of Contents
National Prosecuting Authority Act, 1998
Notice No. 892 of 1998
Chapter 1 : Introductory Provisions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Structure and Composition of Single National Prosecuting Authority
2. Single national prosecuting authority
3. Structure of prosecuting authority
4. Composition of prosecuting authority
5. Office of National Director of Public Prosecutions
6. Offices of prosecuting authority at seats of High Courts
7. Investigating Directorates
Chapter 3 : Appointment, Remuneration and Conditions of Service of Members of the Prosecuting Authority
8. Prosecuting authority to be representative
9. Qualifications for appointment as National Director, Deputy National Director or Director
10. Appointment of National Director
11. Appointment of Deputy National National Directors
12. Term of office of National Director and Deputy National Directors
13. Appointment of Directors and Acting Directors
14. Term of office of Director
15. Appointment of Deputy Directors
16. Appointment of prosecutors
17. Conditions of service of National Director, Deputy National Directors and Directors
18. Remuneration of Deputy Directors and prosecutors
19. Conditions of service of Deputy Directors and prosecutors, except remuneration
Chapter 3A [Repealed]
19A. [Repealed]
19B. [Repealed]
19C. [Repealed]
Chapter 4 : Powers, Duties and Functions of Members of the Prosecuting Authority
20. Power to institute and conduct criminal proceedings
21. Prosecution policy and issuing of policy directives
22. Powers, duties and functions of National Director
23. Powers, duties and functions Deputy National Directors
24. Powers, duties and functions of Directors and Deputy Directors
25. Powers, duties and functions of prosecutors
Chapter 5 : Powers, Duties and Functions relating to Investigating Directorates
26. Application
27. Reporting of matters to Investigating Director
28. Inquiries by Investigating Director
29. Entering upon premises by Investigating Director
30. [Repealed]
31. [Repealed]
Chapter 6 : General Provisions
32. Impartiality of, and oath or affirmation by members of prosecuting authority
33. Minister's final responsibility over prosecuting authority
34. Reports by Directors
35. Accountability to Parliament
36. Expenditure of prosecuting authority
37. Administrative staff
38. Engagement of persons to perform services in specific cases
39. Disclosure of interest and non-performance of other paid work
40. Regulations
40A. Unauthorised access to or modification of computer material
41. Offences and penalties
42. Limitation of liability
Chapter 7 : Transitional Arrangements
43. Transitional arrangements
43A. Transitional arrangements relating to Directorate of Special Operations
44. Amendment or repeal of laws
45. Interpretation of certain references in laws
46. Short title and commencement
Laws amended or repealed by section 44
Commencement of the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act, 2008 (Act No. 56 of 2008)
Notice No. 45 of 2009
Determination of Fixed Date under Section 43A
Notice No. 46 of 2009
Regulations for Conditions of Service of Special Investigators in the Directorate of Special Operations, 2001
Notice No. R. 108 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Identity document for special investigators
3. Conditions of service of special investigators
4. Short title and commencement
Form A : Directorate of Special Operations
Regulations on the Legal Qualifications for Prosecutors, 2001
Notice No. R. 423 of 2001
1. Definition
2. Legal qualifications
4. Short title and commencement
Regulations Relating to Summons and Oath
Notice No. R. 2850 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Summons
3. Oath or affirmation administered by the Investigating Director
Form 1 : Summons in terms of Section 28(6) of the Act
Form 2 : Return of Summons in terms of Section 28(6) and (7) of the Act
Determination of Powers, Duties and Functions of a Special Director of Public Prosecutions
Proclamation No. 26 of 2020
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