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Sectional Titles Act, 1986 (Act No. 95 of 1986)
Notice No. 1943 of 1986
1. Definitions
Part 1 : Introductory Provisions
2. Ownership and real rights in or over parts of buildings, and registration of title to ownership or other real rights in or over such parts
3. Application of Deeds Registries Act, reproduction of documents, and units deemed to be land
Part II : Development Schemes, Sectional Plans and Section Title Registers
4. Approval of development schemes
5. Manner of preparing draft sectional plans
6. Duties of land surveyors and architects and non-liability of State
7. Approval of draft sectional plans by Surveyor-General
8. Improper conduct of land surveyors and architects
9. [Repealed] Prohibition of certain acts before opening of sectional title register
10. Sale by developers of certain units occupied by certain lessees
11. Applications for opening of sectional title registers
12. Registration of sectional plans and opening of sectional title registers
13. Effect of registration of sectional plans
14. Amendment and cancellation of sectional plans
Part III : Registration and Common Property
15. Preparation of deeds by conveyancer
15A. Proof of certain facts in connection with deeds and documents by means of certain certificates
15B. Registration of transfer of ownership and other rights
16. Ownership of common property
17. Dealings with common property
18. Transfer of mortgaged unit, undivided share, common property or land, and cession of mortgaged lease or real right
19. Expropriation of common property or rights therein
Part IV : Subdivision, Consolidation and Extension of Sections
20. [Repealed] Approval by local authority for subdivision of section or consolidation of sections
21. Approval of plan of subdivision or consolidation by Surveyor-General
22. Registration of subdivision of section
23. Registration of consolidation of sections
24. Extension of sections
Part V : Extension of Schemes
25. Extension of schemes by addition of sections and exclusive use areas or by addition of exclusive use areas only
26. Extension of schemes by addition of land to common property
Part VI : Exclusive use of Common Property and Servitudes
27. Rights of exclusive use of parts of common property
27A. Rules regarding exclusive use areas
28. Implied servitudes
29. Creation of servitudes
30. Ancillary servitudal rights
31. Deeds Registries Act and implied servitudes
Part VII : Participation Quotas and Developers
32. Participation quotas
33. Sale or letting of sections
34. Shares of developers in buildings and land
Part VIII : Rules and Bodies Corporate
35. [Repealed] Rules
36. Bodies corporate
37. [Repealed] Functions of bodies corporate
38. [Repealed] Powers of bodies corporate
39. [Repealed] Functions and powers of bodies corporate to be performed or exercised by trustees
40. [Repealed] Fiduciary position of trustees
41. [Repealed] Proceedings on behalf of bodies corporate
42. [Repealed] Powers of curatores ad litem
43. [Repealed] Security for costs by applicants for appointment of curatores ad litem
Part IX : Owners, Administrators and Buildings
44. [Repealed] Duties of owners
45. [Repealed] Insurance by owners
46. [Repealed] Appointment of administrators
47. [Repealed] Recovery from owners of unsatisfied judgment against bodies corporate, and non-liability of bodies corporate for debts and obligations of developers
48. [Repealed] Destruction of or damage to buildings
49. Disposal on destruction of buildings
50. Unencumbered sections destroyed by State or local authority
51. [Repealed] Valuation of land and buildings and recovery of rates by local authorities
Part X : Miscellaneous
52. [Deleted] Delegation of powers, functions and duties by local authorities
53. [Repealed] Section 37 of Rent Control Act, 1976, not applicable to certain leases of sections
54. Sectional titles regulation board
55. Regulations
56. Notice of applications to Court
57. Exemption from liability
58. Powers of Surveyor-General regarding sectional plans registered in terms of Sectional Titles Act, 1971
59. Repeal of laws
60. Savings and transitional provisions
60A. Further savings and transitional provisions
61. Short title and commencement
Laws Repealed
Sectional Titles Regulations
Notice No. R. 664 of 1988
1. Definitions
2. [Repealed] Application for approval of a development scheme
3. [Repealed] Appeal to administrator
4. Certificate in respect of leased buildings
5. Draft sectional plans
6. Submission of draft sectional plan to Surveyor-General
7. Field measurements
8. Accuracy and correctness of a draft sectional plan or sectional plan
9. [Repealed] Rate of interest in terms of section 9(3)(b)(i)
10. Application for opening of sectional title register
11. Certificates of registered sectional title
12. Registration of sectional plans
13. Sectional title registers
13A. Replacement schedule for lost or destroyed schedule of servitudes and conditions referred to in section 11(3)(b)
14. Certificates of real rights
15. Alteration, amendment, substitution or cancellation of registered sectional plan
15A. Amendment or withdrawal of unregistered sectional plan
16. Registration of transfer of ownership and registration of other rights in respect of parts of buildings
17. Alienation and letting of common property
18. Draft sectional plan of subdivision
19. Registration of subdivision of a section
20. Draft sectional plan of consolidation
21. Registration of consolidation of sections
22. Draft sectional plan for extension of a section
23. Registration of extensions of sections
24. Draft sectional plan for extension of a scheme
25. Registration of extension of a scheme
25A. Replacement of documentation referred to in section 25(2)
26. Draft sectional plan for extension of the common property
27. Registration of plan of extension of the common property
28. Exclusive use areas
30. [Repealed] Rules
31. Destruction of or damage to building and transfer of interest
32. Notification of destruction of building
33. [Repealed] Keeping of indices
34. Sectional mortgage bonds
35. Fees of office
36. [Repealed] Fees to be paid to architects and land surveyors
37. [Repealed] Fees and charges of conveyancers and notaries public and of other legal practitioners
38. Endorsement or entries, on registered deeds, or other documents or in registers
39. [Repealed] Arbitration proceedings
40. Conveyancers' files
41. [Repealed] Fees payable to a local authority
42. Certified copies
43. Examination in connection with the preparation of draft sectional plans
44. [Deleted] Extension of period referred to in section 60(1)(b)(ii) of the Act
Annexure 1 : Forms
Form A [Deleted]
Form B
Form C
Form D
Form E [Deleted]
Form F
Form G
Form H
Form I
Form J
Form K [Deleted]
Form L
Form M
Form N [Deleted]
Form O [Deleted]
Form P
Form Q
Form R
Form S [Deleted]
Form T [Deleted]
Form U [Deleted]
Form V [Deleted]
Form W
Form X
Form Y
Form Z
Form AB [Deleted]
Form AC
Form AD
Form AE
Form AF
Form AG
Form AH
Form AI
Form AJ
Form AK
Form AL
Form AM
Form AN
Form AO
Form AP
Form AQ
Form AR
Form AS
Form AT
Form AU
Annexure 2 [Repealed] : Fees of Office: Deeds Registry
Annexure 3 [Repealed] : Fees of Office: Surveyor-General
Annexure 4 [Repealed] : Fees architects and land surveyors
Annexure 5 [Repealed] : Tariff of fees and charges of conveyancers and notaries public...
Annexure 6 : Documents to be kept in Conveyancers' files in terms of Section 15B(6)
Annexure 7 [Repealed] : Fees payable to Local Authorities
Annexure 8 [Repealed] : Management Rules
Annexure 9 [Repealed] : Conduct Rules
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