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Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act No. 110 of 1978)
Notice No. 1359 of 1978
1. Definitions
Chapter I : Council for Social Service Professions
2. Establishment of Council for Social Service Professions
3. Objects of council
4. Powers and functions of council
5. Consitution of council
6. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
7. President and vice-president of council
8. Meetings of council
9. Executive committee
10. Other committees
11. Appointment of registrar
12. Funds of council
13. Book-keeping and auditing
14. [Repealed]
14A. Establishment of professional boards
14B. Objects of professional boards
14C. General powers of professional boards
Chapter II : Registration of Social Workers, Student Social Workers, Social Auxiliary Workers and Persons Practising other Professions in respect of which Professional Boards have been established
15. Unregistered persons not to practice professions in respect of which professional boards have been established
16. Offence and penalty
17. Registration of social worker
17A. Registration of student social workers
17B. When qualification will not serve as prescribed qualification
17C. Registration of additional qualifications and specialities
17D. Qualifications obtained outside Republic
18. Registration of social auxiliary workers
18A. Registration of persons practising other professions in respect of which professional boards have been established
18B. Registration of student of other professions in respect of which professional boards have been established
19. Keeping of registers
20. Removal from, rectification in and restoration to register of names
Chapter III : Disciplinary Powers of the Council
21. Inquiry by council into alleged unprofessional or improper conduct
22. Disciplinary powers of council
23. Court may direct that copy of record of proceedings be transmitted to council
Chapter IV : General Provisions
24. Legal aid at inquiries under this Act
25. Appeal against refusal, penalty, or removal from register
26. Limitation of liability
27. Rules
28. Regulations
28A. Abolition of South African Interim Council for Social Work, and transitional arrangement
29. Repeal of certain provisions of Act 79 of 1965
30. Short title
Fees payable by Social Workers, Child and Youth Care Workers, Social Auxiliary Workers, Auxiliary Child and Youth Care Workers, Student Social Workers, Student Child and Youth Care Workers, Student Social Auxiliary Workers and Student Auxiliary Child and
Notice No. R. 838 of 2014
1. Definitions
2. Objects of regulations
3. Conditions of registration as student child and youth care worker
4. Application for registration
5. Issue of duplicate certificate of of registration to student child and youth care worker
6. Payments to Council
7. Recording of particulars
8. Application for restoration of register
9. Application for re-registration or termination of suspension
10. Change of name, residential and postal address
11. Provision of name lists
12. Disclosure of criminal offences
13. Disqualification from registration
14. Disciplinary inquiries
15. Transition clause
16. Requirements for registration as child and youth care worker in professional category of registration
17. Requirements for registration as child and youth care worker in auxiliary category of registration
18. Scope of practice for child and youth care work within professional category of registration
19. Scope of practice for child and youth care work within auxiliary category of registration
20. Application for registration
21. Certificate of registration
22. Annual fee
23. Payment to Council
24. Recording and keeping of register
25. Application for termination of suspension of registration
26. Application for restoration to register
27. Change of name and address
28. Disclosure of criminal offences
29. Disciplinary inquiries
30. Disqualification from registration
31. Fees payable to Council
32. Short title
Regulations Relating to the Registration of a Specialisation in Forensic Social Work, 2017
Notice No. 912 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Forensic social work scope of practice
3. Requirements for registration of specialisation in forensic social work
4. Conditions for practising as a forensic social worker
5. Application for registering a speciality in forensic social work
6. General provisions
7. Short title and commencement
Regulations Relating to the Registration of a Specialisation in Clinical Social Work
Notice No. 913 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Requirement for the registration of specialisation in clinical social work
3. Conditions for practising as a clinical social worker
4. Application for registering a specialisation in clinical social work
5. General provisions
6. Short title and commencement
[Repealed] Regulations Regarding Allowances Payable to Members
Notice No. 76 of 2020
1. Definitions
2. Allowances payable to Members
3. Allowances payable to external persons
4. Tax
5. Submission and payment of claims
6. Repeal
7. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Allowances payable in accordance with Regulation 2(2) and Regulation 3
Regulations Defining the Scope of Practice of the Profession of Social Work
Notice No. R. 2617 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Scope of social work
3. Scope of practice of social auxiliary worker
4. Repeal of regulations
5. Short title and commencement
Regulations Regarding Allowances Payable to Members
Notice No. R. 3321 of 2023
1. Definitions
2. Allowances payable to Members
3. Submission and payment of claims
4. Repeal
5. Short title and commencement
Annexure A : Allowances payable in accordance with Regulation 2
Regulations Relating to the Establishment of the Professional Board for Community Development Practice, 2024
Notice No. R. 4783 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of Professional Board for Community Development Practice
3. Composition of Professional Board
4. Qualifications for person to be nominated
5. Returning officer
6. Submission of nominations
7. Disqualification of candidates
8. Invalidity of nomination
9. Notice of election
10. Qualification to cast vote
11. Disentitlement to vote
12. Issuing of ballot papers
13. Casting of votes
14. Examination and safekeeping of ballot papers before elections
15. Determination of election result
16. Safekeeping of ballot papers after elections
17. Constitution of board without elections
18. Term of office
19. Appointment of members of board
20. Vacation of office
21. Filling of vacancies
22. Powers and functions of professional board
23. Appoinment of office bearers
24. Meetings of professional board
25. Procedure of meetings of professional board
26. Attendance of professional board meetings
27. Record of meetings of professional board
28. Committees of professional board
29. Allowances payable to members of Professional Board
30. Short title and commencement
Form 1A : Nomination for Elections of Persons to be Appointed as Members of Council in terms of Section (5)(1)(b) of the Act and Regulation 3(a)(c)(d)
Form 1A : Nomination for Elections of Persons to be Appointed as Members of Council in terms of Section 28(1)(gD)(i) of the Act and Regulation 3 (d)
Form 1B : Nomination for Elections of Persons to be Appointed as Members of a Professional Board in terms of Section 28(1)(gD)(iii) of the Act and Regulation 3 (a)
Form 1B : Nomination for Elections of Persons to be Appointed as Members of a Professional Board in terms of Section 28(1)(gD)(iii) of the Act and Regulation 3 (c)
Form 1B : Nomination for Elections of Persons to be Appointed as Members of a Professional Board in terms of Section 28(1)(gD)(iii) of the Act and Regulation 3 (g)
Form 2E : Nomination of Persons to be Appointed as Member of the Council Section 28(1)(gD)(ii) and Regulation 3 (b) of the Act
Form 2F : Nomination of Persons to be Appointed as Member of the Council Section 28(1)(gD)(ii) and Regulation 3 (e) of the Act
Form 3 : Voter's Declaration of Identity
Form 4A : Ballot Paper
Form 5 : Declaration on Oath or Affirmation for Polling Officers or Persons present during the Examination of Ballot Papers or the Determination of the Election
Form 6A : Nomination for Elections of Persons to be Appointed as Members of Professional Boards for Social Service Professions in terms of Section 14(A) to 14(C) of the Act
Annexure A : Allowances Payable to members in accordance with Regulation 29
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